A&R is about discovery. Learn the responsibilities, strategies, and goals that labels and A&R representatives commonly employ.
10 things I would have told myself when I was starting out in music production that would have saved a whole lot of time and effort.
Learn the dos and don’ts on approaching record labels from Gravitas Recordings, label for CloZee, Esseks, Au5, Psymbionic, ZEE, and more.
The Gravitas Create crew put together a list of some of their favorite Discord servers for electronic music producers.
Learn about the YouTube music community, what goes through the mind of a curator, and how producers can effectively approach tastemakers with Proximity, one of the largest outlets for distributing electronic music.
Find out the key features to consider when selecting a Music Distributor for your next music release.
Learn the differences between labels and collectives, what services they offer, and how to tell which may be the best fit for you.
Learn tips and tricks about the songwriting process to write music without any instruments.
Learn how to craft the perfect email to pitch blog editors and YouTube curators to listen and review your music. The Art of Outreach: The Perfect Pitch 101.
Never stop learning. Our 12 book recommendations to inspire you in music and business.