Music fosters community unlike anything else. Music is an art that brings people together from all over the world and can instantly connect new people together. The world is so big, sometimes it’s difficult to find your squad. Luckily, we have the internet, and we have music production discord servers!

We love Discord. If you’re unfamiliar, a Discord server is a place where you can chat with others in designated voice / text channels, similar to Slack. Having a music production discord server is a great place to foster a community of musicians to meet one another, find new inspirations, and get / share valuable feedback. Also, it’s free to use, so what’s not to like?

The Gravitas Create crew put together a list of some of their favorite music production Discord servers to help grow your artist project. Be sure to join our Gravitas Nation music production Discord server to share / get feedback, learn more about music production, and be part of our growing community! Trust us, it’s the place to be. While our music discord server caters towards music producers, all artists at any level or even fans are welcome in our community. After you join us, maybe you’ll even be inspired to become a music producer! Everyone, music producers / musicians and beyond, are welcome. Click the link below to join.

Join Gravitas Nation Discord Server

After you join our server, say hi to our members in the #intro channel, meet some new people, and get learning about music production! We can’t wait to meet you and listen to your music.

Music Production Discord

Music Production Discord Server List

Warning: While some discord servers listed are not specifically music production discord servers, many members are producers and musicians, and these servers have dedicated channels for music producers / musicians to share feedback and meet new like-minded artists.

[List Last Updated 10/20/2020]


If you’re unfamiliar with Discord, you can read Discord’s privacy policy here and its terms of service here.

Join Our Music Production Facebook Group

If you don’t want to make a discord or you’ve joined a billion music production discord servers already, Gravitas Create also has a Facebook group! Anyone can join, music producer or beyond, although we do cater towards musicians and most of our members are producers. When you join, make sure to hop on our monthly feedback and promo thread and meet our other members! Click the link below to join.

Join Gravitas Create on Facebook

To learn more about music production, click a link below:

How To Pick a Music Distributor
12 Music Business Books to Read in 2020
Tips & Tricks on Sound Design & Mixing From Encanti
The Best YouTube Channels For Electronic Music Production Tutorials