We have been happy with all of the submissions from the Production Challenges so far. Seriously, you are all killing it, and a lot of you have been improving over the weeks. When we set out to launch Gravitas Create, we wanted to ensure that everything we do is centered around providing real value to producers. We want to empower you all to grow. We make sure that we listen to the community and take feedback seriously. In the Facebook group, there have been a couple of feedback threads and a lot of cool tracks submitted, so we decided to spend the next week focused on that.
This week’s challenge is a Feedback Challenge. Anyone can submit a track they are working on, but we want to limit it to one submission per person. The track does not have to be mastered or fully mixed. Anyone can leave feedback, whether you submitted a track or not. The goal of this is to get REAL feedback on your tunes in exchange for providing it to others. A rising tide raises all ships.
Feedback Etiquette/Rules: When giving feedback, remember that this is someone’s art and passion. Give brief, clear, and concise feedback. Point out one thing you like about that track, and then provide one thing you think could be improved. Let’s try to give positive, constructive criticism and avoid posts like, “cool track,” “nice one,” or “check out my SoundCloud, bruh.”
1. Join the Gravitas Create Facebook group if you haven’t already: https://www.facebook.com/groups/gravitascreate/
2. Submit ONE track to the comments section.
3. Gravitas Create will add the tracks into a SoundCloud playlist where you can leave Feedback.
4. Be sure to set your tune to public, so we can share it. You can remove it at anytime before or after the challenge.
REMINDER: Enter the Zebbler Encanti Experience “Inner G” Remix Contest at
https://gravitascreate.com/remix-innerg/. Deadline to enter is 15July2017.
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